
Monday, April 25, 2016

Mama Gray's Potato Rolls

Good morning!

First off, I want to apologize for not having an article up that past few weeks. I had some family and business matters that required more time and energy than I had anticipated. I can't go into details. But let's just say it involves my Grandmother and tax identity theft. The IRS takes this sort of thing very seriously, even if you are the victim. I have always been a firm believer, and I hope you feel this way too, that Jesus and family should always come above everything else. 

Speaking of family, today I want to share with you a very old family recipe. Mama Gray's Potato Rolls have been in my family for decades. We make them for just about every holiday meal, religious feast, and especially St. Patrick's Days. 

Before we get into everything, I want to share with you the secret to this recipe. Instead of using cold regular tap water, use the cooled water that you used to boil the potatoes in. I know it doesn't seem like much of a secret, but it makes all the difference!


1 Tbs yeast
1 1/2 Cup water (use the cooled water that you used to boil the potatoes in. It makes a huge difference.)
1 Cup unseasoned mashed potato
2/3 Cup sugar
2/3 Oil
2 Eggs
1 1/2 Salt
6 to 7 Cups flour


Peel and quarter 2 medium potatoes. Boil them in a small pot till they are soft. (Just like mashed potatoes.)

Once your potatoes are done separate the potatoes and water. Let them both cool. The water needs to be between 100 to 110°F any warmer, and it will kill the yeast. Any cooler and the yeast will not activate.

Mash the potatoes and measure out 1 cup.

In a large bowl mix water and yeast. Then add sugar, oil, eggs, and mashed potato. Mix them together with a fork.

Add 5 cups of flour. Mixing it in with your fork one cup at a time.

Then sprinkle one cup (this will be cup #6) of flour down on your clean cutting board (or clean counter-top). Put the bread mix on top of the flour. Then sprinkle cup #7 of flour on top of dough. You should have flour-bread-flour layers. Now knead.

Don't over knead. Just knead in the flour till the bread is smooth. Should take about 1 1/2 minutes.

Now take a large, clean bowl and put about 1 Tbs of oil in the bottom of the bowl.

Place your bread on top of the oil swirl it around, flip it and swirl it again.

Cover the bowl with a clean hand-towel. Put the bowl in a warm place let it rise for 1 1/2 hours.

After the time is up preheat over to 400°F.

Sprinkle a little flour on your clean cutting board or clean counter-top. Divide bread in half, then into fourths and so on until you reach 16.

Place into two greased pie pans. And place them in the oven. Turn down the temp to 350°F. Cook for 25 to 35 minutes.

Thank you for your patience and bearing with me. I promise I will try to be on time from now on!

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